Boguslaw Balcerak is a Polish guitarist born in 1972. As a teenager he played in the band Holocaust. In 1989 Boguslaw saw Yngwie J. Malmsteen play for the first time. It got him intrigued and it changed his guitar playing. In the early 90’s he evolved and developed his own style. Plenty of recording demos were made back then. Some of them caught the attention of Mike Varney. Although no records were made, he continued mastering his guitar technique. At that time, he also worked with different bands. He recorded and toured with the Polish band Hetman.
In 2008 he started his own band – Boguslaw Balcerak’s CRYLORD – and has since released 4 albums under that name, making Endless Life number 5. This is not counting Rock Fever, which is a more hard rock album. Having always worked with various singers on the albums (Carsten “Lizard” Schulz, Rick Altzi, Mark Boals, Ricky Wychowaniec, David Akesson and Tim “Ripper” Owens to name a few), this time he is joined full time with another previous guest, the ever impressive Göran Edman! And Göran loved the songs so much, he really outdid himself on the 12 tracks on offer!
Prepare to be blown away…
Album Release: September 4, 2024. Pre order CD shipping starts a week early.
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